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Self Help


Wire-less Energy

When the energy currents are out of balance, we experience physical, mental and emotional symptoms of discomfort, pain and sickness.


Shorts in energy circuits in the body must be found and re-established...


Man has a wire-less energy arrangement similar to that of the atom and the universe.



Unless a person is talking, eating, drinking, laughing, or singing the mouth should remain closed.

(The Buteyko Method should be concidered with more serious breathing problems)



Normal breathing is crucial to seeing. most people allow their breathing to become tense and shallow when concentrating hard or when having difficulty seeing. be aware of this and stop it!

Looking after the eyes: The health of any organ depends on good circulation for nutrition & elimination. Attention to a few simple points can make the eyes far more responsive to changing thoughts.


Splash the Eyes with Water

In the morning 20  warm, then 20  cold.

In the evening 20  cold, then 20  warm.

Towel dry around the eyes but do not touch the eyes directly.


Eye Yoga

Remove contact lens/glasses

Head straight forward

Open the eyes as wide as possible

Look up

Look down

Look left

Look  right

Look and focus at a far distant object

Look and focus at a close distant obect

(This will help to build the muscles around the eyes)

Learn the palming technique

Blink frequently: Rapid butterfly blinks and fat squeezes are both helpful.

(The Bates Method should be concidered with more serious eye problems)



Children copy their teachers' mannerisms in quality of voice, opening the mouth, using the arms, in standing, walking and sitting. Teachers who manifest defects and peculiarities which are the results of their own unreliable sensory appreciation and unsatisfactory use of their psycho-physical organism are not only a bad example, but indeed a danger to their pupils.


Our body is our house and temple in which our soul lives as consciousness and king in its own domain. it is our responsibility, and no one else's, to keep our temple fit and clean and well. Self-pity and crying over illness is no solution at all; but finding out the cause and eliminating those bad habits (being a slave to appetites and sense pleasures) all of which weaken the natural reserve energies.

(The Alexander Technique should be concidered with more serious postural problems)



Eat lightly in the morning because all the tubes and their mucous linings are in a state of rest and repair during sleep, exchanging secretions of their cellular tissues in a relaxed state of rest.


Each meal should be no larger than the size of ones own fist. (keeps the stomach quarter empty). 

Less diversity is better when mixing food. 

Eat a little something every 3 hours throughout the day. (healthy snacks are o.k.).

Eat according to how much energy you use, and burn up. (if you're very active and workout in a gym, etc.. 3 - 4 fist sized potions of food per day).


The foods that are kissed by sunlight are solar powered, it's alive, it has living elements in it... Nature is not at war, so flip the word from war to RAW! Work with the true divine elements! The raw truth..


1. exercise

2. eat healthy

3. spiritual practice

4. the company you keep

5. be love. expand and amplify



Alfalfa sprouts are considered the king of sprouts, and especially good for rheumatic and arthritic conditions. Fenugreek sprouts are soothing, healing and at the same time dissolve the gummy substance from the mucous membranes and intestinal lining, and enable the system to absorb the benefits of the intake.



Gases in the blood are the causes of most headaches: gas is absorbed by the bloodstream from the fermentations in the process of digestion and from food particles taken into the circulation when in a state of fermentation and incomplete digestion. These are the trouble makers which can go on for years and lead to all kinds of pain symptoms and disease, until the cause is discovered and the diet is corrected.


Cleaning the Blood

Try: fasting for 2 - 3 days on water and papaya to help clear the bloodstream of these foreign objects and catch up on its delayed digestive process.


Sugar and Chocolate

If you have cravings for sugar, sweets, etc.. it may indicate your body needs earthy root vegetables, try eating the sweet centre core of a few raw carrots!



Adults should intake approx. 5 - 6 glasses of water a day. (filtered water and try to avoid plastic bottles)



An alcohol and tobacco habit can be overcome easily, by sucking a lemon whenever the desire to indulge is active. Its a builder and replacer of lost phosphates, calcium and vitamins needed to balance the system. Any determined patient can be cured by this method in a month or more.



Nervous conditions, Neurasthenia, and for Cerebral Tension of Epilepsy: Celery, Carrot and Letuce juice used freely - 3 or more glassfuls daily.


Low Blood Pressure

Carrot, Beet, and Dandelion juice.


High Blood Pressure

Celery, Beet, and Carrot juice.


Varicose Veins

Carrot, Spinnach, and Turnip.


Gall Bladder and Gall/Kidney Stone trouble

Carrot, Beet, and Cucumber.



Carrot, Celery, and Cabbage.


Gastric Inflammation

Carrot, Celery, and Cabbage.


The Liver Flush

2 tablespoons of cold-pressed oil (preferably olive or almond) juice of 1 large or 2 small lemons juice of 1 or 2 oranges (or 1 grapefruit) 1 to 4 cloves of garlic (if this is too strong, the garlic can be eaten in a lunch salad) dash of cayenne pepper blend the garlic and oil in a blender, then add the other ingredients and blend again. after drinking, follow immediately with 2 cups of hot water.


Polarity Yoga

Please consult your doctor or other health care professional in order to help avoid serious illness or injury before beginning an exercise program if you have a certain medical condition.


In Polarity Therapy, great emphasis is put on self-help and personal responsibility. Clients are encouraged and supported in taking charge of their health physically, mentally and emotionally.


Polarity Therapy exercises offer many self-managed energy-balancing strategies which facilitate the movement of energy in the body-mind. These movements and postures are reminiscent of the techniques of traditional Hatha Yoga and related systems, but generally are easier to do and are specifically designed for energy balancing benefits.


The fundamental concepts of Polarity Yoga are: Energy fields and pathways respond to posture, movement and sound.


An exercise system is especially valuable for cultivating empowerment. Polarity Therapy always emphasizes personal responsibility, but with exercises each person is even more clearly in charge of his or her own process.


The goal of Polarity Yoga is not only accomplishment of the posture, but also appreciation of the energetic experience. Cultivating sensitivity to energy movement and patterns is a constant theme in this system.


These exercises relate to the mind as well as body. The goals are not just physical, but rather on integrated body-mind-spirit balancing effects.


Many of the exercises acknowledge Dr. Stone's emphasis on "fixation at the negative pole" and work with flexing and energizing the lower half of the body.


The exercises are a great teaching tool to provide students with experiential recognition and understanding of energy patterns and pathways in the body.



Positive affirmations can help with attitude changes, like after meditation or after a polarity treatment try saying "I allow myself to experience and express my feelings freely and easily, I am filled with energy and power, which I use lovingly to help myself and others. I love myself" it's nice to have a centered 'grounded' feeling.


Repeat the affirmation saying your own full name aloud.


I love ___________

I am ___________

___________ is light

___________ is spirit

___________ is thought

___________ is energy

___________ is alive and well

I am happy to be ___________

___________ is beautiful

___________ is attractive

___________ is lovable

___________ is healthy

___________is stronger

___________ is intelligent

___________ is successful

___________ is alive

___________ has feelings

___________is in love with ___________

I am ___________

I love ___________

I love ME!


1. say your own personal affirmation out loud into a mirror to yourself first.

2. then 15-20mins of polarity yoga exercises.

3. then sit and meditate on the flow of energy through out the body. (aware of the heart and circulation)

4. then visualize the smiling energy in and out. (in front of the face)

5. then visualize the smiling energy up and down to the neglected organ.

6. then back up to the smiling energy in and out. (in front of the face)

7. then again say your own personal affirmation out loud into a mirror to yourself.

8. check your nose breathing, with the finger.. nice, slow, quiet, gentle, breathing through the nose.


More Affirmations

This is a rich universe & there is plenty for all of us.

Abundance is my true state of being.

I am now ready to accept it fully & joyously.

God is unfailing, unlimited source of all my supply.

I deserve to be prosperous & happy, I am now prosperous & happy.

The more I prosper, the more I have to share with everyone else.

The universe is total abundance!

Im ready now to accept all the joy and prosperity life has to offer me.

I now take responsibility for creating the world as a happy, abundant place for everyone.

Financial success is coming to me easily & effortlessly.

I am now enjoying great financial prosperity!

Life is meant to be fun and Im now willing to enjoy it!

Infinite riches are now flowing freely into my life.

I am rich in consciousness and manifestation.

I now have more than enough money for my own personal use.

I now have a satisfying income of $_____________ per month.

Every day Im growing more financially prosperous.

I am rich, well, and happy.


I am open to receiving the blessings of this abundant universe.

Wealth, money, prosperity, and everything good is coming to me easily and effortlessly.

I accept my good, which is flowing to me here and now.

I deserve the best and the best is coming to me now.

The more I receive the more I have to give.


I love and accept myself completely as I am.

I dont have to try to please anyone else.

I like myself and thats what counts.

I am highly pleasing to myself in the presence of other people.

I express myself freely, fully and easily.

I am a powerful, loving, and creative being.


I have now transcended all patterns of illness.

Im free and healthy!

I am now full of radiant health and energy.

I love and accept my body completely.

I am good to my body, and my body is good to me.

I am energetic and full of vitality.

My body is balanced, in perfect harmony with the universe.

I give thanks for ever increasing health, beauty, and vitality.

I am a radiant expression of God.

My mind and body now manifest divine perfection.


Accepting Ourselves

I accept myself completely here and now.

I love myself completely as I am, and Im getting better all the time.

I accept all my feelings as part of myself.

Im beautiful and lovable however Im feeling.

I am now willing to experience all my feelings.

Its good to express my feelings.

I now give myself permission to express my feelings.

I love myself when I express my feelings.


Feeling Good

Its okay for me to have fun and enjoy myself and I do!

I like to do things that make me feel good.

I am always deeply relaxed and centered.

I now feel deep inner peace and serenity.

Im glad I was born and I love being alive.



I love myself and I naturally attract loving relationships into my life.

I am strong and loving in my relationships.

I deserve love and sexual pleasure.

I am now ready to accept a happy, fulfilling relationship.

I am now ready for all my relationships to work.

The more I love myself the more I love _________ .

I love ___________ and ___________ loves me.

All difficulties between me and ___________ are now being dissolved.

We have a wonderful relationship.

Divine love is working through me now to create a perfect relationship with ___________ .

I am now attracting exactly the kind of relationship I want.

I am now divinely irresistible to my perfect mate.


Opening Creativity

I am now an open channel for creative energy.

Creative ideas and inspiration are coming to me every day.

I am the creator of my life.

I am now creating my life exactly as I want it.


Divine Love and Guidance

Divine love is doing its perfect work in this situation now for the good of all concerned.

Divine love and light are working through me now.

Divine love goes before me and prepares the way.

God is showing me the way now.

My inner wisdom is guiding me now.

I am now being guided to the perfect solution to this problem.

The light within me is creating miracles in my body, mind, and affairs, here and now.


Write an Affirmation Notebook

Affirmations list: draw decorative boxes, designs, etc.. which gives you a beautiful experience when reading, this helps you to pause and meditate on each one of the affirmations.


Outflow list

write down how you outflow your energy to the world and others around you.

write down your outflow money.

write down your outflow of time.

write down your outflow of love and affection.

write down your outflow of appreciation.

write down your outflow of physical energy.

write down your outflow of friendship.

write down your outflow of touching.

write down your outflow of talents and abilities.

add to this list anytime you think of new things.


Success list

write down everything you feel successful about or at.

write down everything successful meaning for you.

write down when you accomplish new successes.

this adds energy for accomplishing more.


Apprectation list

write down everything you are especially thankful for or have in life.

this helps to open up your heart and awareness of the riches taken for granted, increases your realization of prosperity and abundance on every level, your ability to manifest.


Self-esteem list

write down all the likes about yourself.

write down your positive qualities.

write down how you acknowledge yourself, happier, loving.

write down your creative energy flow.

write down your contribution to the world.


Self Apprectation list 

write down all the ways you could be good to yourself.

write down the nice things you can do for yourself.

write down a list of all the things, just for your own pleasure and satisfaction.

(small or large but make some of these things from this list easy to do each day and do them).


Healing and Assistance list

write down the names of any people you may know who need healing or special support and assistance of any sort, write special affirmations for them, every time you look through your notebook youll be giving them a special boost of your energy.


Fantasies and Creative Ideas

write down any ideas, plans, dreams for the future, any creative ideas big or small, loosens and stimulates your imagination and your creative ability. Take a few minutes a day to build your notebook or an hour or so each week, you may notice more work will be accomplished on the inner plane than the outer plane.



I now release my entire past, it is complete and I am free!

I now dissolve all negative, limiting beliefs.

They have no power over me!

I now forgive and release everyone in my life.

We are all happy and free.

I dont have to try to please others.

I am naturally lovable and likeable no matter what I do!

I now let go of all accumulated guilt, fears, resentment, disappointments, and grudges.

I am free and clear!

All of my negative self-images and attitudes are now dissolved.

I love and appreciate myself.!

All barriers to my full expression and enjoyment of life are now dissolved.

The world is a beautiful place to be.

The universe always provides.




Vigorous concrete action on the physical level is symbolic of what you are trying to do on mental, emotional and psychic levels.. clearing out old useless stuff, helps getting the energy flow moving.

Affirmation while clearing out stuff..

The more I outflow, the more space I create for good things to come to me.

I love giving and I love receiving.

As I clean up and clear out my physical space I am cleaning up and clearing out my life in every way.

I am now putting my life in order, preparing to accept all the good that is coming to me now.

I give thanks now for all the good that I have and all the good things to come. 


Health and Beauty

Every day I am growing more beautiful and more radiantly healthy!

Everything I do, adds to my health and beauty.

Everything I eat, adds to my health, beauty, and slender attractiveness.

I am good in my body, and my body is good to me.

I am now slender, strong, and in perfect condition no matter what I do.

I am growing stronger and more powerful every day.

I now desire to eat only those things that are best for me at any given time.

The more I love and appreciate myself, the more beautiful I am becoming.

I am now irresistibly attractive.

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